There is an excellent early electronica/new wave/synth mix available for download here:
This is a fantastic sampler of late 70’s/early 80’s electronic, minimal synth, synth-pop music. Includes The Associates, OMD, Paul Haig, Thomas Leer, Cabaret Voltaire, Severed Heads, John Foxx and much more. It was put together by New York DJ & Acute Records supremo Dan Selzer for DFA member Tim Sweeney’s Beats in Space radio show on WNYU in New York.
Tim Sweeney then gets in on the act in part 2
Well worth the download! This is a lot of stuff that gets played early on at Atomic, so if you’re into it, turn up a bit earlier next time! 🙂
And, if you’re looking for more of this stuff, and much more, ahem, ‘obscure’ post punk type music, the LTM label is a great place to start – their reissue programme is phenomenal