OK, there’s a bunch of setlists available now thru the links on the right – it’s all finally up to date. So if you want to know what was played or what you missed out on before you arrived at Atomic or 24 Hour Party People – there you go!
And, the latest Atomic poster is finally up in the poster section.
I am working on the mixtapes – my idea is to work out a bunch of (slightly) themed mixes of stuff that gets played on the nights alongside some other things which don’t get played (for various reasons), but which I still like. I’ve worked out the artwork for these already, I just have to get the tracklists finalised. Then get taping! 😉
These won’t be available for sale or download, but lucky mailing list subscribers will get the chance to win them for free, so stay tuned!
Cheers, Bill
PS Oh, lately I’ve been listening to Bloc Party, the Klaxons, The Jam, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and a bunch of other stuff. If you’re at all interested, click on the graphic below the cassette on your right which’ll take you to my last.fm page.
If you have any comments or questions, please email me.