Freebass, the group consisting of The Smiths’ Andy Rourke, New Order’s Peter Hook and The Stone Roses and Primal Scream bassist Mani, have revealed their new singer.
Gary Briggs, formerly of Cornish-by-Manchester band Haven, will join the trio, alongside a number of celebrity guests.
Speaking to BBC 6Music, Peter Hook said: “We have had trouble getting it together and I have had a lot of trouble finding a vocalist and we now have another one. This is about our 15th one.�
Ian Brown, Billy Corgan, Happy Mondays’ Rowetta, Tim Burgess and Liam Gallagher are also involved in the project, reportedly contributing guest vocals.
The group has been in development since 2004, a delay Hook puts down to commitments in the members’ other bands.
He said: “We started it funnily enough, Mani and I, as a reaction because our groups New Order and Primals had been stalled, and then miraculously our groups started up again so it went on the back burner for a long time.
“Rourkie plays guitar a lot, Mani and I balance each other out. He plays low and I play high. It actually works well.�
Coming up…
All shows at San Fran, 171 Cuba Street, Wellington
Future Dates 2025
San Fran
15 February, 8 pm
$15, door sales only
San Fran
15 March, 8 pm
$15, door sales only
Please note: Dates may be subject to change.
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